High levels of attendance are both expected and essential to make the most of the opportunities at College. Attendance levels are monitored closely and information about attendance rates at student level are available before submitting an absence through the College app, SDConnect. For students aged 14-18, we will share attendance and absence information with parents and guardians, and others where we believe it is in their best interests.
We understand that genuine absences do happen and it is important that students of all ages notify the College prior to any absence using SDConnect prior to 9am (appropriate evidence should be uploaded too). SDConnect is available to download from the different app stores for free and all students have a login. Find out more here.
If you claim weekly guaranteed bursary payments we will ensure your reason for absence is taken into consideration when agreeing payments. In order to guarantee your payment, all absences must be reported.
If you need to report a lateness or you need to leave College early, please use SDConnect to indicate which sessions you will be missing. Again, by exception, inform one of our advisors at Level 1 or Level 3 reception, who will log this on the system for you.
By exception, we are also able to take phone calls from those close to students who are not able to use the app on 08000 38 33 00. You will need to have the following details ready:
Date of birth
Student number
Personal tutor’s name
Reason for absence
If the line is busy you will be asked to leave your details on the answering machine. You will be given instructions for what information is required. All messages are logged, provided your information is full and clear. Once we know who you are, we will send your details through to your Tutor. Please do not phone the numbers above to report lateness.
South Devon High School
If you are reporting absence for South Devon High School any absence, sickness or otherwise, must be reported by your parent/guardian by 9.00am on the day you are absent. Written evidence may be requested.
Absence line: 01803 540332